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Happy Teenager

Week 4

Poems of the Week

Article of the Week

Stories of the Week

Talks of the Week

My e-Portfolio - Screenshot each Google Form exercise you completed (with your name and marks clearly shown) and upload into your individual e-Portfolio folder in the Google Drive.

Week 4: Service

Poems of the Week

Read the first two (2) poems and do each exercise. Then, check your answers.

Week 4: FAQ

The Dog in the Manger

The Oxen and the Axle

Other Poems

Homework: Write a poem about your current life / hobby / interest / experience / feelings / observation. Save your poem as a PDF file and upload it into your e-Portfolio folder.

Podcasts of the Week

Watch ALL four (4) podcasts and do each exercise. Screenshot your results and upload them into your e-Portfolio.


Points to Ponder:

  • What are the examples of cyberbullying?

  • Why does cyberbullying happen?

  • Is cyberbullying a serious crime?

  • What can be done to stop this problem?


Points to Ponder:

  • What is obesity?

  • What are the factors that can lead to obesity?

  • Is obesity a serious issue?

  • What can be done to stop this problem?

Animal Endangerment

Points to Ponder:

  • What animals are currently endangered?

  • What are the factors that can lead to animal endangerment?

  • How serious is animal endangerment?

  • What can be done to stop this problem?


Points to Ponder:

  • What are the examples of public vandalism?

  • Why do people vandalise?

  • What are the effects of vandalism?

  • What can be done to stop this problem?

Group Discussion Task: Discuss in your group which among the following four (4) issues needs to be taken seriously the most:

  • Cyberbullying

  • Obesity

  • Animal Endangerment

  • Vandalism

Week 4: List
New Jersey Chinese restaurant vandalized with coronavirus graffiti
Arctic polar bears "face near-extinction within decades" warn scientists - BBC News
Why is 1/3 of the world fat? BBC News
Father of cyberbully victim speaks out - BBC News
Week 4: Videos
HAIKAL 01 (1).png

Article of the Week

Read the Article "The Awesome Power of Learning" and complete the Google form exercise. Screenshot your results and upload them into your e-Portfolio.

Week 4: About

Stories of the Week

Week 4: Courses

The Story of Two Slaves

Google Doc activity: "Every man is hidden under his own tongue." Explain the given quote. Relate it with the story and give one real life example. Your answer should be around 250 words.

The Two Wolves

A Day Like No Other (Part II)

You look at your watch. It is just about to be 9 o'clock in the morning and you are not planning to go back home anytime soon. You are quite free with nothing more to do that morning, so you take Inspector Amar Najmi’s offer to look into one of his cases. You follow him to the police headquarters 15 minutes from the cafe. Upon arriving, he shows you two different murder case files that have just happened this morning. Which one should you pick?

"You can only pick one," Inspector Najmi said.


A Change in the Will

The Blackmail Murder

Week 4: Features
Week 4: Music Player

Talks of the Week

Choose at least TWO (2) talks to listen to. You can play each talk TWICE. Do the exercise based on the selected talks. You CAN DO MORE than what is required.

*Remember to screenshot or print screen your results and upload them into your personal e-Portfolio folder.

Deja Vu

Listen to a talk on deja vu and answer the questions in the exercise.

False News

Listen to a talk on false news and answer the questions in the exercise.


Listen to a talk on lightning and answer the questions in the exercise.


Listen to a talk on spiciness and answer the questions in the exercise.


Listen to a talk on tsunami and answer the questions in the exercise.

Week 4: List
  • Instagram

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